‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ Pro is finally here!

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After months of hard work, we’re happy to announce that ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ Pro, the premium version of our successful WordPress plugin, has finally been released!

All existing ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ users can upgrade to the premium version for FREE because, to them, we are offering a 6-month FREE premium license! Existing users means who are upgrading from the free version 2.2.3 or earlier.

But what’s new about ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ Pro?

'Auto-Install Free SSL' Pro: main upgrades

1. Quick setup

One of the most important upgrades we were able to implement in our WordPress plugin is an improved setup process. Because of the many automation available, while with the older version the setup process could require more than 10 minutes, it’ll now take no more than 1 minute!

2. Improved cPanel Settings

With the old free version, users needed to enter the cPanel host manually, which is something that can require some technical expertise. With the Pro version, the cPanel host is detected automatically: now, users don’t need to have advanced knowledge about the cPanel host. It’s a great help for less tech-savvy users!

3. Cron job automation

One of the biggest improvements in the user experience with our WordPress plugin is given by the Cron Job automation (which was not available with the older free version).

With the older free version, users needed to manually configure the cron job for the auto-renewal and Let’s Encrypt free SSL Certificate auto-installation, but with the premium version, the cron job is automatically made, letting users save time and energy, and making the use of the plugin suitable even for the less expert users.

4. Improved ‘Issue & install free SSL’ option

After completing all the configurations, users can install free SSL certificates instantly (without waiting for the daily cron job), with the ‘Issue & install free SSL’ option. This operation, however, requires a range of time that goes from some seconds to a few minutes, depending on the number of domains and/or sub-domains being hosted on the cPanel.

With the older free version, users could face a timeout issue if they have more than two domains or sub-domains because of the limitations of the shared hosting regarding the maximum execution time for PHP. We have addressed this limit and provided a solution with the Pro version which will bypass the shared hosting’s limitation using the Server-Sent Events (SSE). Now, with this improved feature, users don’t have to worry about the timeout issue and they can view the server-generated event messages in real-time in a terminal-like interface.

5. Automatic data entry

The Pro version will detect and pre-fill a few data in the settings forms. e.g., IP address and home directory of the server, whether the web hosting control panel is cPanel, etc. Again, this will be a great help for the newbies.

6. Time-saving

Because of the improvements we made, the ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ Pro requires a much shorter configuration time. If we want to provide an estimate, with the free version you need to check the expiry date, renew and install the free SSL certificate every about 60 days, and it could require about 20 minutes each time.

With the new features, the Pro version needs only a one-time configuration, and it requires about 1 minute!

Free Version VS Premium Version

Quick setup and cron job automation are the most important upgrades, but they aren’t the only ones! Let’s take a look at the overall differences between the Free and the Pro versions:

  • With the Pro version, all the main ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ features – Domain Verification, SSL Installation, and SSL Renewal – are automated, while with the free version the user needed to manage and set them manually.
  • As mentioned, because of all this automation, setting the Pro version up is easier and, therefore, quicker.
  • You don’t need to worry about your SSL certificate expiration date with the Pro version.

Is there any Pro Unlimited version?

‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ Unlimited Pro is also available. If you need even more advanced features you can upgrade to the Unlimited Pro version which also includes installing SSL certificates on all the websites hosted in the same cPanel/ Web hosting control panel, Wildcard SSL, and Multisite Support.

'Auto-Install Free SSL' Pro Release Offer

For our new release, we are providing our existing users with a great exclusive offer. For them, there is a 6-month Free License available: existing users can upgrade to ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ Pro Unlimited for free and keep on using it at zero cost for 6 months (the offer is available up to December 31, 2022)!

How to request your 6-month FREE license

To get their ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ Pro Unlimited for free, existing users can simply go to their WordPress Dashboard, click on the ‘Claim for FREE’ button, and then click the ‘Request Premium License for Free’ button.

Is there any Free Version available now?

Yes, there is. It’s the ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ 3.0.1.

It’s, of course, 100% free and, compared to the new Pro and Unlimited Pro versions, it has some limitations. The Free Version lacks automation so Domain Verification, SSL Installation, and SSL renewal need to be set up and handled manually.

Announcement regarding ‘FreeSSL.tech Auto’

We want to take a moment to address our valued community members who have been utilizing our PHP app, ‘FreeSSL.tech Auto.’ We are immensely grateful for your support and feedback over the years. It has been a journey to provide this app free of cost since October 2018 and witness its positive impact on countless websites.

However, as we continue to evolve and focus on enhancing our services, we have decided to evaluate the future of ‘FreeSSL.tech Auto.’ After careful consideration, we are exploring two possible paths for its future.

Firstly, we are considering making ‘FreeSSL.tech Auto’ a paid app after one year to ensure its sustainability and further development. By offering the premium version, we can allocate dedicated resources to maintain and enhance the app with new features, continuous updates, and prioritized support. This step will enable us to continue delivering an exceptional experience to our users while ensuring the longevity and reliability of the app.

Alternatively, should the demand for the paid version not meet our expectations, we may make the difficult decision to discontinue ‘FreeSSL.tech Auto’ after one year. While this would mean that the app will no longer be available for download, we assure you that our commitment to providing reliable and efficient Let’s Encrypt SSL solutions remains unwavering with our WordPress plugin, ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’.

We sincerely appreciate your continued support.

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